Monday - Saturday, 9AM to 6PM

Dr. Sharab Shettar. 
D. T. C. D. (Eng) 
Consultant Chest Physician. 

Dr. Shettar has been offering his services as Honorary Chest Physician since 2000 & has been an invaluable member of KCTRI team of Doctors. He obtained most of his training in chest medicine including the art of fiber optic Bronchoscopy in England. 

During his stay of 25 years in England gained abundant experience working in all branches of medicine but developed a special interest in oncology & hematology. 

He is an honorary physician serving hemophilia patients & has been instrumental in establishing Hemophilia Society, Hubli Chapter. Having always been interested in serving the poor & needy he also serves as honorary physician to Our Lady of Lourdes Charitable Hospital, Dharwad. 

He is extremely committed, consentious & popular with patients & all levels of staff.